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Sony 申請新商標 MyXperia,為雲端儲存服務舖路?
2012-10-23 04:10
# 1

這年來,Sony 一直與 Box.net 合作為其用戶提供免費的雲端儲存服務,不過 Sony 很快就正式向這個界別的競爭者下戰書。根據歐盟商標局(OHIM)網站披露的文件,Sony 已經向他們註冊了一個叫「MyXperia」的商標,專利號為 01119332,根據文件內容描述,這是一個服務或應用程式,允許用戶上傳或下載數位內容,並支援智能手機、PDA 以及手持式電子設備。「MyXperia」聽起來完全就是自家打造的雲端儲存服務,看來很快就會被推廣到 Xperia 產品上了。
Computer application software and downloadable software in the nature of mobile applications for use in connection with virtual computer systems and virtual computing environments for upload, storage, retrieval, download, transmission and delivery of digital content and media to and from the following: mobile phones; smart phones; digital or electronic tablets for the recording, transmission, processing and reproduction of sound, images or data; personal digital assistants (PDAs); and/or portable and handheld digital electronic devices for the recording, transmission, processing and reproduction of sound, images or data.


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