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2015-2-10 01:58 alexlim9999
Mom VS Teen - Love Triangle

Mom VS Teen - Love Triangle : [url]http://gallys.18eighteen.com/images/FoxyDi_30373/?nats=MTIyODg0Mi40LjMuMy4xLjcwNTY3OTIuMC4wLjA[/url]

18 Eighteen Model : Foxy Di : [url]http://www.18eighteen.com/teen-babes/Foxy-Di/7536/?nats=MTIyODg0Mi40LjMuMy4xLjcwNTY3OTIuMC4wLjA[/url]

May 27th, 2014

"I had never done a three-way before, but it was something I always wanted to experience. I knew if it was going to happen it couldn't just be with anyone. I would need two people who knew what they were doing. Luckily I came into the right situation with this older couple. The wife was very sexy and very eager to watch me fuck her husband. He was very good with his cock. I feel that it was the best introduction I could have had to a three-way. It might not have gone so well if I did it with younger people who were more inexperienced.

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